Internal Electronics Cleaned and Repaired To Work For A Long Time
Most Ophthalmic instruments contain computerized hardrives and processors, or at the very least sophisticated electronics connected to power supplies, circuit boards, and other integrated circuitry. As the instrument ages, these parts become dirty, faulty or outdated and are no longer recommended for continued use. Our technicians inspect, clean, and repair internal circuitry to guarantee a working device.
Internal parts and all circuitry are inspected for proper operation using a variety of voltage monitors, unit-operating thermometers, and heat gun tests to ensure proper operation of the unit.
All internal parts undergo a thorough cleaning freeing dirt and dust from circuitry and cooling fans.
Old or faulty parts, are replaced. Poor wiring connections are restored. Additionally, extra cooling fans or other parts may be added at The Eye Company’s discretion to aide in the operation of a device.